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Ageless Grace Online Academy
Exploring Masculine Archetypes: New Course with Guest Instructor, Dr. Richard Gibson

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover:
Mining the Gold of Your Inner Allies
Exploring Masculine Archetypes
(A Virtual Course for Women Only!)
(A copy of the book is required. Inexpensive copies are available at Amazon. See link below.)
through Thursday, December 18th
Course tuition: $59.00 (usually $89.00)
I'm thrilled to be co-facilitating this virtual course with my dear friend and colleague, Dr. Richard Gibson, a spiritual director and executive/life coach in private practice in Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. You can read more about Richard below in his bio section, and find a link to his website. If you have questions about the course, please send an email to agelessgraceacademy@gmail.com, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to working with you!
Dr. Richard Gibson is a Spiritual Director and an Executive/Life Coach. He has taken course work in Spiritual Direction from Shalem Institute in Washington, D.C. He began his practice in 2002. Visit http://richardspiritualdirector.com/ for more information. He has been providing one-on-one confidential coaching to professionals and executives since 1997. He is trained and certified by Coach University. His doctorate is in adult education (Ed.D.) from the University of Maryland (2002). Visit www.linkedin.com/in/richardsgibson. He loves it when his clients and directees seek to explore the profound connection between mind, body and spirit.
We've all heard about the brain research that tells us that we operate using only a small fraction of our brain power. What if the same was true on a spiritual and emotional level?
What if there were hidden resources just below the level of your everyday consciousness that could exponentially boost your effectiveness in your work, your relationships, your creative projects, your spiritual pursuits?
What if you discovered that you had an entourage of secret allies who have been waiting for an invitation from you so that they could shower you with wisdom, understanding, and a renewed sense of energy in your life?
This is exactly what can happen when you, as a woman, begin to honor, explore, and forge a relationship with your inner masculine archetypes. The depth psychologists have called this consortium of masculine energetic patterns the "animus" -- and it resides within your own feminine psyche.
For a woman, the resident male archetypes are often ignored or shunned. At best, the energy that they could contribute to the feminine psyche is very often a vastly under-utilized resource. And if we want to be whole, to live our lives as fully functioning women, then we need to get to know all of our inner characters, and invite them into the light of consciousness. This can result in a greater emotional and spiritual integration, that will add texture and richness to the quality of our everyday lives.
Because of personal experience and the cultural conditioning to which we're all susceptible, women are often hesitant to explore the inner masculine, and rightfully so, because of negative or painful experiences. But to ignore this rich resource, the birthright of all women, is to limit who we are in ways that not only keep us personally limited, but also limit our contributions to our families and those in our communities. To allow the inner masculine to languish in the dark corners of our psyches limits the full expression of our spiritual power. And when the archetypes remain below the level of consciousness, that is, when a woman does not interact with them in a conscious way, then they can seemingly erupt out of nowhere, causing her to be reactive, confused, and perhaps baffled by her own responses to other women and men in her life.
King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Mining the Gold of Your Inner Allies - a virtual course for women only, is your invitation to begin this process. During this self-paced course, you will have the opportunity to acquaint yourself with four of the primary masculine archetypes: King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover. You will begin to understand exactly how these archetypes manifest in their mature and generative forms, as well as in their immature and shadow forms, in your personal psyche, how you can recognize them, befriend them, and call on them as allies.
The course material is based on the ground-breaking book King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine by Jungian analyst Robert Moore and his colleague, Doug Gillette. A copy of the book is required, since the assignments are based on excerpts from the book. As mentioned above, inexpensive copies are available at Amazon.com. Click here: http://www.amazon.com/King-Warrior-Magician-Lover-Rediscovering/dp/0062506064/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1414093044&sr=8-1&keywords=king+warrior+magician+lover
As a result of participating in this course, and a gentle openness to engaging in this work, you can expect to:
- Understand the importance for you, as a woman, of establishing a conversation with the masculine archetypes (mature and shadow) residing in your psyche. You will begin to "own" a whole new kind of power that you can bring to bear on your daily life.
- Deepen your self-awareness and understanding of how male archetypes have influenced your beliefs, choices and behaviors.
- Increase your sense of personal power as you understand that the male archetypes are a "given" - part of your intrinsic psychic wiring, regardless of your particular life experiences with actual men.
- Employ proven self-exploration tools and methods of self-reflection that will expand your sense of self-understanding, awareness of the choices available to you, and ultimately the freedom that belongs to you.
How does the virtual course work?
You will receive a retreat manual on the day the course begins. It will provide a schedule of reading and journaling exercises. There will also be suggestions for tasks that you can complete that will anchor what you are learning in your everyday life. You will receive an audio file of a guided meditation that you will experience at the end of the course. In addition to a copy of the book, you will need a journal and if you choose, a few art supplies if you wish to embellish your journaling experience.
You will do the readings and complete the assignments at your own pace. You do not need to attend any online meetings or teleconferences. Simply work on the material at your own pace, at times that best suit your schedule and energy levels.
Richard and I will be available by email to read your assignments if you wish to submit them, as well as to answer any questions you have, and to provide further guidance for your process.
We look forward to having you join us for the transformative experience! Again, please email if you have any questions in advance of the course dates.
About the retreat facilitators:

Dr. Richard Gibson is a Spiritual Director and an Executive/Life Coach. He has taken course work in Spiritual Direction from Shalem Institute in Washington, D.C. He began his practice in 2002. Visit http://richardspiritualdirector.com/ for more information. He has been providing one-on-one confidential coaching to professionals and executives since 1997. He is trained and certified by Coach University. His doctorate is in adult education (Ed.D.) from the University of Maryland (2002). Visit www.linkedin.com/in/richardsgibson. He loves it when his clients and directees seek to explore the profound connection between mind, body and spirit.
The Reverend Casaundra Bennett is the Director at The IRIS House, a Buddhist ministry, in West Point, Georgia, and Director of the Ageless Grace Online Academy. Casaundra has held positions in college and university administration, publishing and editing, and healthcare for the last 25 years, at institutions such as UCLA, The University of Chicago, and St.Olaf College. Casaundra trained as a spiritual director, and has facilitated retreats for more than 30 years. In 1999, she was ordained as a Buddhist minister in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She develops and teaches courses in creative writing, memoir, therapeutic writing, art and spirituality and other personal development disciplines. Her novel, Dreaming of Elysium: An Archaeology of Longing, is forthcoming from Purple Iris Press. She lives in West Point, Georgia, with Athena, her beloved Australian Cattle Dog mix. Visit www.irishouseretreats.blogspot.com for more information.
Special Introductory Price: How to Design an Online Course Toolkit
EVERYONE who orders will get a *FREE* 20-minute phone consultation!
My online class How to Design an Online Course has been so successful that I realized I needed to make this material more widely available. Some are unable to take the class, and, I can work personally with only a limited number of students.
So, I am creating a Toolkit with all the instructional materials, lots of worksheets and timetables, and step-by-step instructions and resources to help you get your class up and running as quickly as possible. Specifically, you will get everything you need to:
- Assess your expertise and determine a topic
- Decide on a course title and write a compelling course description
- Create a course outline and supporting materials and lessons, including how to logically sequence your information
- Determine who are your ideal students, and where to find them
- Create audio files
- Decide if you want to include video, and where to start if you do
- Set up a teleconference for your students
- Create a blog for secure delivery of course information to your students
- Write a marketing email to announce your course
- Create a marketing calendar
- Begin building your email list of potential students
- Publicize your course using basic PR methods
- Create a landing page so with one click, students can register for your class
- Set up a Paypal account so that you can get paid
And if you order by midnight on Tuesday, October 14th, you can apply the $49 cost of the toolkit to your tuition in the next session of the online class starting on November 10th. (This will be your last chance to take the class this year! How to Design an Online Course will be offered only once more before year-end: November 10 - December 5.)
You are welcome to go ahead and sign up for the class that begins next month, if you like. Tuition is $79.00. You'll still receive your toolkit on November 3rd, so you can begin to familiarize yourself with the material before class starts.
Click on this button in order to sign up for the class:
The toolkit will be delivered to your in-box on November 3rd. In the next few weeks, I plan to add even more material to help you get your courses online asap.
And as a special bonus, the first 10 people to order the Toolkit will receive a free 20-minute telephone consultation about any aspect of getting your online course up and running. Ask me anything you like, and we’ll get you on the road to online teaching as soon as possible.
Year-end is just around the corner. Wouldn't it be great to have a course ready to launch first thing in 2015? I hope you'll take advantage of this special offer.
Register Now! Classes Begin on Monday!
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New Line-up of Autumn Courses
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Hestia Comes Home: Returning to Your Sacred Hearth
October 1 - October 29, 2014
Visit http://hestiacomeshome.blogspot.com for all the details, and to register.
And I'm offering some tried and true favorites, as well:

Courting the Muse: An Online Creative Writing Adventure
September 25 - October 29, 2014
Visit http://www.courtthemuse.blogspot.com for all the details, and to register.
For those of you have already completed Courting the Muse in the past, you can register for Courting the Muse II, which follows the same format as the first class, but gives you brand new exercises and writing assignments to keep your creative spark alive. Click on the link above to register for either course.

Discovering the Soul's Code:
A New Approach to Writing Your Autobiography
September 25 - October 23, 2014
Visit http://soulscodeclass.blogspot.com for all the details, and to register.

Your Money--What's Your Spirituality Got to Do With It?
September 25 - October 23, 2014
Please email me at agelessgraceacademy@gmail.com if you have any questions about the classes. All you need to participate in any class is access to a computer and email.
Also, payment plans are available should you need to make special arrangements for your course tuition.
I am so excited about this full roster of classes that will begin soon. I can't wait to work with you! See you in class!
Register Now! How to Design an Online Class
How to Design an Online Course
November 10 - December 5, 2014
Course tuition: $79.00
I've developed this new course to prepare potential instructors, and we're opening up the opportunity to all of you in the extended Ageless Grace community. All who complete the class assignments satisfactorily will have their course considered for inclusion in our roster of classes. The course is also open to all who would like to learn to create an effective online course to offer in their own virtual communities.
This four-week course will teach you the basics of creating an online course:
- Assess your expertise and determine a topic
- Create your course materials, and how to best use audio, video, and teleconferencing
- Logically sequence your course information
- Write a compelling course description and title
- Publicize your course
- How to register students and get paid
And more!
ENROLLMENT IS LIMITED! Because I will give personal feedback on each assignment you complete, I can work with only a limited number of students at a time. So if you'd like to participate in this unique opportunity, please register as soon as possible. Registration will be closed as soon as all slots have been filled.
Teaching an online class is a great way to extend your reach, to increase your professional credibility, and to earn extra income with very little additional overhead. The great thing is that you can work from your home or office, with only a computer and access to the Internet and email.
If you have questions, please email me at agelessgraceacademy@gmail.com.
My own career as an online instructor began more than 15 years ago. I was an adjunct faculty member in the online division of the Adult Education Program at Santa Fe Community College in New Mexico. Since then, I have taught numerous courses, both online and in person, in subjects such as writing, spirituality, personal development, and small business.
I look forward to working with you!
November 10 - December 5, 2014
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