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Hestia Comes Home: Returning to Your Sacred Hearth
October 1 - October 29, 2014
Visit http://hestiacomeshome.blogspot.com for all the details, and to register.
And I'm offering some tried and true favorites, as well:

Courting the Muse: An Online Creative Writing Adventure
September 25 - October 29, 2014
Visit http://www.courtthemuse.blogspot.com for all the details, and to register.
For those of you have already completed Courting the Muse in the past, you can register for Courting the Muse II, which follows the same format as the first class, but gives you brand new exercises and writing assignments to keep your creative spark alive. Click on the link above to register for either course.

Discovering the Soul's Code:
A New Approach to Writing Your Autobiography
September 25 - October 23, 2014
Visit http://soulscodeclass.blogspot.com for all the details, and to register.

Your Money--What's Your Spirituality Got to Do With It?
September 25 - October 23, 2014
Please email me at agelessgraceacademy@gmail.com if you have any questions about the classes. All you need to participate in any class is access to a computer and email.
Also, payment plans are available should you need to make special arrangements for your course tuition.
I am so excited about this full roster of classes that will begin soon. I can't wait to work with you! See you in class!
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